
Thriving Workplace thumbnail

Thriving Workplace

I lead the public launch of the Thriving Workplace, Knoll's post-pandemic workplace design framework. For this launch, I designed the landing page, created internal and external email and social media campaigns and helped the sales learning team publicize a virtual event using LinkedIn Events.

Web Design

For these projects, I worked closely with the marketing and product marketing teams to develop the cleanest visual experience that honored the ethos of the project. For "Knoll Works 2022," I laid out the landing page, and designed each of the subsequent article pages.

Antenna Workspaces thumbnail

Antenna Workspaces Collection

I designed the landing page and content logic for Antenna Workspaces, a workplace furniture system sold by Knoll. The design approach I used on this webpage was expanded to other workplace systems at Knoll.

Knoll Works 2022 thumbnail
Iqulo Collection thumbnail
MillerKnoll Design Days 2023 thumbnail
Florence Knoll Model 31 & Model 33 landing page thumbnail


During my time as Marketing Communications Manager at Knoll, I was responsible for a weekly internal newsletter and a monthly external newsletter, which included managing an email content calendar, writing copy for each email, and producing the emails. Click below to see examples of the monthly external newsletter. This newsletter reached over 70k subscribers every month, with an audience ranging from design students to architects.

Note: This link will send you to a Dropbox folder with four email files. Please download each email file, after which it will open in your email reader.

Knoll marketing email example thumbnails

Editorial & Case Studies

The bread and butter of any marketing strategy - the writing. For each of these articles, I conducted interviews, wrote, and copyedited. For each article except for "From Sea to Food: The Wholesaler That Makes It All," I also designed, staged, and published the article online.

NexAir, LLC thumbnail
Mount Is High School thumbnail
From Sea to Food thumbnail
In Conversation with Sekou Cooke thumbnail